Mekor High Holiday Safety & Health Guidelines
updated 8/30/20
These Guidelines are applicable to all High Holiday Services held at shul, as well as our outdoor services, where relevant. They include policies established by our building management.
If you have any questions, please email the shul. These Guidelines are vitally important, and we are trusting that you will cooperate in order to protect the well-being of everyone in our community. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Building Rules for Common Areas
Additional Safety Guidelines - In Shul and Outdoors
If you have any questions, please email the shul. These Guidelines are vitally important, and we are trusting that you will cooperate in order to protect the well-being of everyone in our community. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
- No children under 13 are permitted in shul, except for infants & young toddlers who remain in strollers or are held by a parent.
- Children may attend the outdoor services, if they remain in strollers or if they wear masks and are with a parent willing to ensure each child remains seated during the entire service, unless accompanied by a parent to the restroom. Please note that even infants & toddlers are not permitted to move about, even if they hold your hand. They must remain in the stroller or in your arms at all times. Please include your children in your reservation request, and specify on which side of the mechitza they will sit, because we will be setting up adjacent chairs (or spaces for your stroller) for your family, to specifically accommodate the number of children.
- Do not attend if you have experienced symptoms of Covid-19, or you have been exposed to someone with symptoms, unless you’ve exceeded the 14-day quarantine period following symptoms or exposure.
- By attending, you agree to report to Rabbi Hirsch if you subsequently are tested positive for Covid-19 and to specify when you’ve attended our services. We are required by building management to inform them (without use of names), and it is also our responsibility to inform other attendees that an anonymous attendee has contracted Covid.
Building Rules for Common Areas
- No one may enter the building without wearing a face mask
- Social distancing is required in lobby and in stairwells; if too many people occupy the lobby to keep 6 feet distance, some will need to wait outside.
- Elevators – maximum 2 people at a time in elevator; stairwells will also be open.
- Please bring tissues, toothpick, or other means to push elevator button without directly touching.
- Only one person at a time is permitted in restroom; the restrooms may now be locked from the inside.
Additional Safety Guidelines - In Shul and Outdoors
- Face masks are required at all times, at both indoor and outdoor services. Disposable masks will be available at services, in case yours becomes damaged.
- Indoor and outdoor services – maintain 6 feet distancing at all times during services. Please try to do the same when you socialize before or after services.
- Please bring your own machzor if possible.
- Kitchen use is strictly off limits, except for the purpose of washing hands.
- Hand sanitizer, Chlorox wipes, and disinfectant spray will be available at shul, and hand sanitizer will be available at outdoor services.
- Water cooler dispenser – please use tissue or other means, or use hand sanitizer before operating the lever.
- Only one person will be designated each day to handle Torah and ark (when relevant).
- Kippot and tallitot will not be available for general use.