From the Rabbi's Desk
10/7/24 October 7 Commemoration at Mekor
8/28/24 New Year's Letter to the Mekor Community - 5785
4/14/24 Bringing Order to the Seder (Source sheet for class)
3/13/24 Quantum Purim: Navigating Our Chaotic Times (Source sheet for class)
12/12/23 Having it All: Yosef & the Meaning of Chanukah (Source sheet for class)
10/31/23 Orthodox Union & Partners Host Unprecedented City Eruv Conference for Industry Professionals (article in Yeshiva World; Rabbi Hirsch was a conference participant)
10/20/23 Parshat Noach - "Proactive" (Rabbi Hirsch's latest article about the situation in Israel)
10/9/23 Israel at War - What We Can Do (letter emailed to the Mekor community)
9/28/23 "In Their Merit (In memory of Hersh Waisbord z'l)" (from Rabbi Hirsch's Substack, The Dreamer)
9/5/23 High Holiday Class "The Meaning of Life" - source sheet
8/10/23 Learning Chaburah Hilchot Tefilah
7/27/23 Tisha B'Av Class "Is Peace in Israel Obtainable?" - Audio recording. (Podcast begins at shortly after minute 13.)
7/27/23 Notes for Tisha B'Av Class "Is Peace In Israel Attainable?"
6/9/23 "The Legend- Eulogy for Hersh Waisbord z'l" (from Rabbi Hirsch's Substack, The Dreamer)
2/1/23 "Welcoming Everyone to Shul: Why We Should Ensure Our Shuls Embrace LGBTQ+ Jews" (Video of PORAT panel discussion, including Rabbi Hirsch)
12/22/22 Chanukah L'Mehadrin - Source Sheet
11/4/22 Remembering Rabbi Dov Aaron Brisman (Rabbi Hirsch quoted in Jewish Press Article)
9/24/22 Sermon Nitzavim "Leeway" (Tribute to Rabbi Dov Aharon Brisman zt"l)
9/21/22 High Holidays Class 5783 based on "The Book of Life: A Transformative Guide to the High Holidays"
9/21/22 Rosh Hashana Class 5782-The Rosh Hashana Secret
9/21/22 Yom Kippur Class 5782-The Critical Element in Relationships
5/26/22 Buffalo and Uvalde Shootings
5/1/22 Sermon Kedoshim "Our Holy Land"
4/30/22 Sermon Acharei Mot "After Death"
3/19/22 Sermon Tzav "Faith & Persistence"
11/1/21 Is Impossible Pork Kosher? -- Audio Recording
11/1/21 Is Impossible Pork Kosher? -- Source Sheet
10/30/21 Chayei Sara (Third Meal) "Animals First?" -- Source Sheet
8/11/21 Kashrut in Center City 2021 (Class) -- Audio recording
8/11/21 Kashrut in Center City 2021 (Class) -- (source page)
8/7/21 Mazal tov to the Mekor Habracha Community! -- The Center City Mikvah
7/22/21 Letter Protesting Ben & Jerry's Boycott of Israel
5/11/21 Tehillim for Israel - Letter to the Mekor Community
4/30/21 Tragedy in Meron -- Letter to the Mekor Community
4/23/21 Sermon Acharei-Mot-Kedoshim "A Fragile Treasure"
4/16/21 Sermon Tazria-Metzorah "Eye-change"
4/9/21 Sermon Shemini "Practice Is Perfect"
4/2/21 Pesach 21 Day 7 Sermon "Tower"
3/26/21 Pesach 21 Sermon "Speech, Speech!"
3/19/21 Sermon Vayikra "Shabbat Meals on Erev Pesach"
3/12/21 Sermon Vayechel-Pikudei "Renewal"
3/9/21 Thank you letter from Matanot L'Evyonim recipient
3/5/21 Sermon Ki Tisa/Shabbat Parah "Life from Death"
2/26/21 Sermon Tetzaveh "Deferred"
2/19/21 Sermon Terumah "Out of the Blue (Moon)"
2/12/21 Sermon Mishpatim - Shekalim "GameStop"
2/5/21 Sermon Yitro "Derech Eretz and Inclusion"
1/29/21 Sermon Beshalach "Addicted to the Path"
1/22/21 Sermon Bo "Cure First"
1/21/21 The Covid Vaccine in Halacha - Rabbi Hirsch's podcast
1/15/21 Sermon Vaeira "Step Back"
1/8/21 Sermon Shemot "Positive Spin" (Tribute to David Glyn z'l)
1/1/21 Sermon Vayechi “The End is Near” (Tribute to Dr. Rebbetzin Aviva Weisbord zt'l)
12/25/20 Sermon Vayigash "Woe Unto Us"
12/18/20 Sermon Mikeitz "The Flame"
12/11/20 Sermon Vayeishev-Chanukah "Led by the Blind"
12/4/20 Sermon Vayishlach "What's Your Name"
11/27/20 Sermon Vayeitzei "Modeh Ani"
11/20/20 Sermon Toldot "Action!"
11/13/20 Sermon Chayei Sarah "Final Test"
10/17/20 Sermon Bereisheet "Snake.Pray. Live."
10/10/20 Sermon Shemini Atzeret "Bittersweet"
9/26/20 Sermon Haazinu/Shabbat Shuva "Sit"
9/12/20 Sermon Netzavim-Vayeilech "The (Last) Day"
9/5/20 Sermon Ki Tavo "Happy"
8/29/20 Sermon Ki Teitzei "Remember"
8/22/20 Sermon Shoftim "Deuces"
8/15/20 Sermon Re'eh "I See"
8/8/20 Sermon Eikev "Bury the Past"
7/31/20 Sermon Vaetchanan "Find Favor"
7/24/20 Sermon Devarim "In His Own Words"
7/17/20 Sermon Matot-Masai "Meaningful Moments"
7/10/17 Sermon Pinchas "It's Not So Bad"
7/3/20 Sermon Chukat-Balak "Where Are We Going?"
6/26/20 Sermon Korach "Skinhead"
6/19/20 Sermon Shelach "Impossible"
6/12/20 Sermon Beha'alotecha "Misguided Assertiveness"
6/5/20 Sermon Naso "Service of Service"
5/31/20 D'var Torah -- Evening of Prayer and Unity
5/28/20 Sermon - Shavuot "Complete"
5/22/20 Guide to At-home Services for Shavuot 2020
5/22/20 Sermon Bamidbar "Numbered by Name"
5/15/20 Sermon Behar-Bechukotai "Our Walk"
5/1/20 Sermon Acharei Mot-Kedoshim - "Any Day"
4/17/20 Sermon Shemini - "Supernatural"
4/13/20 Sermon - Last Days of Pesach, 2020 - "Lose-Lose"
4/7/20 Sermon - Pesach Day 1, 2020 - "Praiseworthy Criticism"
4/6/20 Guide to at-home services for Pesach 2020
3/27/20 Sermon Vayikra - "Spring Break"
3/20/20 Sermon Vayakhel-Pekudei - "Corona Process"
3/13/20 Covid-19: Mekor Update
3/6/20 Message from Rabbi Hirsch about the Coronavirus
1/11/20 Sermon Vayechi - "Alive & Well in Exile"
12/26/19 D'Var Torah on Miketz - "Beautiful" (Published in Philadelphia Jewish Link)
12/22/19 A Message from Rabbi Hirsch - Mekor's 5th Annual Gala
11/16/19 D'Var Torah on Vayeira - "Cruel to the Core"
9/24/19 Acceptance Speech for Guardian of Israel Award at ZOA Gala (Printed speech) (Video Link)
9/12/19 D'var Torah on Ki Teitzei - "The 'Key' to the New Year" (Published in Philadelphia Jewish Link)
5/5/19 Sermon Acharei Mot - "Vulnerable" (Poway)
4/16/19 Letter from Israel - Includes excerpt from Bringing Order to the Seder: A Modern Guide to the Traditional Passover Haggadah
3/22/19 D'var Torah on Parshat Tzav - "Enthusiasm Makes All the Difference" (Published in Jewish Exponent & Washington Jewish Week)
1/27/19 Speech at Mekor's 4th Annual Gala (Printed Article) (Audio link)
1/2/19 Message about Mekor's 10th Anniversary Celebration
11/3/18 Sermon Chayei Sarah (Shabbat morning) - "Pittsburgh"
11/2/18 Sermon Chayei Sarah (Friday night) - "#showupforshabbat"
10/14/18 Mekor's Hachnasat Sefer Torah
12/28/17 Rabbis Can Run
10/22/17 Major David Zohar's Death
9/14/17 Benediction at ZOA Gala - "Jewish Revenge" (Click here for video)
8/5/17 Special Sermon Va'Etchanan - "Lucky Man"