Purim @Mekor
Mekor Purim Schedule
and Information about Purim Mitzvot
Purim Donations through Mekor
Machatzit Hashekel - you may make these donations to the shul anytime before Purim by using this donation link.
The suggested amount is $18. Please include a note with your donation indicating "Machatzit Hashekel".
Matanot L'evyonim
Donations through the shul must be received by Friday, March 22nd.
Mekor's special fund will help our community fulfill the mitzvah of Matanot L'evyonim on Purim. Funds will be distributed on Purim day to the needy, both in Philadelphia and in Israel.
Please email the shul with your pledge and also indicate if you specifically want your donation to be made in Philadelphia and/or Israel. Donations may be made by using this donation link. Please include a note indicating "Purim fund- Matanot L'evyonim."
Mekor Services & Festivities
Monday, March 18
6:55 pm Mincha Ma'ariv followed by Rabbi Hirsch's class: Quantum Purim: Navigating Our Chaotic World
Tuesday, March 19
6:30 pm Humantashen bake at the shul!
Thursday, March 21 - Ta'anit Esther
5:49am Fast begins
6:45am Morning Services
6:45pm Evening Services
7:44pm Fast ends
Saturday Night, March 23 - Purim Night
8:45pm Maariv, Havdala, Megillah Reading, Womens' Megilah Reading, followed by our annual
featuring pizza, refreshments and Mekor music sensation, Moments of Wrong!
Sunday, March 24 - Purim Day
9:00am Morning Services, Megilah reading, Womens' Megilah Reading
10:00am Brunch Seudah
10:30am Mekor's Got Talent and Music Performance
Sign Up here. Multiple sponsorship levels available!
Mitzvot on Purim Day
Please email Rabbi Hirsch if you have questions about these mitzvot.
~ Matanot L'evyonim -- If you have not given through the shul, your donations elsewhere must be given on Purim day in order to fulfill the mitzvah.
~ Mishloach Manot must be delivered on Purim day in order to fulfill the mitzvah.
~ Listening to Megillah Reading must take place on Purim day.
~ Festive Meal must take place on Purim day.
Best wishes for a joyous Purim!