Mekor Habracha
Sukkot 5785
14-23 Tishrei October 16-25
Updated 10/16/24
Mekor's Sukkah
We are pleased to announce Mekor's new Sukkah location, only a few blocks from shul. For directions, please see this week's shul newsletter, our bulletin board at shul, or email [email protected]. The sukkah will be open to visitors throughout the holiday.
Mekor's Sukkot Schedule
Wednesday, Oct 16 Erev Sukkot
Eruv Tavshilin
6:55am Shacharit
5:59pm Candle lighting time
6:00pm Evening services
Thursday, October 17 Sukkot Day 1
9:15 am Morning services
Followed by kiddush in Sukkah (weather permitting)
10:20AM MekorKids Mini-minyan
6:00pm Evening services
AFTER 6:57pm Candle lighting time
Friday, Oct 18 Sukkot Day 2
9:15am Morning services
Followed by kiddush in Sukkah (weather permitting)
10:20AM MekorKids Mini-minyan
2:30pm-5pm Sukkah Hop (co-hosted with the Shtiebel); maps available in Mekor entrance hall
5:56pm Candle lighting time
6:00pm Evening services
Shabbat, Oct 19 Chol Hamoed
9:15am Morning Services
Followed by kiddush in Sukkah (weather permitting
10:20AM MekorKids Mini-minyan)
5:45pm Mincha/Ma’ariv
6:55pm Shabbat ends
Sunday Oct 20 Chol Hamoed
8:00am Shacharit
6:00pm Mincha/Ma'ariv
Monday Oct 21 Chol Hamoed
6:45am Shacharit
6:00pm Mincha/Ma'ariv
Tuesday Oct 22 Chol Hamoed
6:45am Shacharit
6:00pm Mincha/Ma'ariv
Wednesday Oct 23 Hoshana Rabbah/Sukkot Day 7
Eruv tavshilin
6:45am Shacharit
5:49pm Candle Lighting Time
5:50pm Mincha/Ma’ariv
Thursday Oct 24 Shemini Atzeret
9:15am Morning services
Followed by Kiddush in Sukkah (weather permitting)
11:00am Yizkor (approximate time)
5:45pm Mincha/ma’ariv followed by Ceremony commemorating Oct 7 & Hakafot,
with snacks & refreshments TBA
AFTER 6:47pm Candle Lighting Time
Friday Oct 25 Simchat Torah
9:15am Shacharit/Musaf
10:30am Muffins & Mimosas
11:15am Hakafot, with snacks & refreshments TBA
5:45pm Mincha /Ma'ariv
5:46pm Candle Lighting Time
Shabbat Oct 26
9:15am Morning services, followed by Kiddush
5:30pm Mincha/3rd Meal/Ma'ariv
6:47pm Shabbat ends
Chag Sameach!
We are pleased to announce Mekor's new Sukkah location, only a few blocks from shul. For directions, please see this week's shul newsletter, our bulletin board at shul, or email [email protected]. The sukkah will be open to visitors throughout the holiday.
Mekor's Sukkot Schedule
Wednesday, Oct 16 Erev Sukkot
Eruv Tavshilin
6:55am Shacharit
5:59pm Candle lighting time
6:00pm Evening services
Thursday, October 17 Sukkot Day 1
9:15 am Morning services
Followed by kiddush in Sukkah (weather permitting)
10:20AM MekorKids Mini-minyan
6:00pm Evening services
AFTER 6:57pm Candle lighting time
Friday, Oct 18 Sukkot Day 2
9:15am Morning services
Followed by kiddush in Sukkah (weather permitting)
10:20AM MekorKids Mini-minyan
2:30pm-5pm Sukkah Hop (co-hosted with the Shtiebel); maps available in Mekor entrance hall
5:56pm Candle lighting time
6:00pm Evening services
Shabbat, Oct 19 Chol Hamoed
9:15am Morning Services
Followed by kiddush in Sukkah (weather permitting
10:20AM MekorKids Mini-minyan)
5:45pm Mincha/Ma’ariv
6:55pm Shabbat ends
Sunday Oct 20 Chol Hamoed
8:00am Shacharit
6:00pm Mincha/Ma'ariv
Monday Oct 21 Chol Hamoed
6:45am Shacharit
6:00pm Mincha/Ma'ariv
Tuesday Oct 22 Chol Hamoed
6:45am Shacharit
6:00pm Mincha/Ma'ariv
Wednesday Oct 23 Hoshana Rabbah/Sukkot Day 7
Eruv tavshilin
6:45am Shacharit
5:49pm Candle Lighting Time
5:50pm Mincha/Ma’ariv
Thursday Oct 24 Shemini Atzeret
9:15am Morning services
Followed by Kiddush in Sukkah (weather permitting)
11:00am Yizkor (approximate time)
5:45pm Mincha/ma’ariv followed by Ceremony commemorating Oct 7 & Hakafot,
with snacks & refreshments TBA
AFTER 6:47pm Candle Lighting Time
Friday Oct 25 Simchat Torah
9:15am Shacharit/Musaf
10:30am Muffins & Mimosas
11:15am Hakafot, with snacks & refreshments TBA
5:45pm Mincha /Ma'ariv
5:46pm Candle Lighting Time
Shabbat Oct 26
9:15am Morning services, followed by Kiddush
5:30pm Mincha/3rd Meal/Ma'ariv
6:47pm Shabbat ends
Chag Sameach!